Provide Tools for Better Management
Baker Tilly CAMEROON, provides you with simple and practical management software. So, we offer you:
• Accounting software
Accounting software that is of great interest to companies. Our software ABC-Compta provides solutions for managing the company's accounting. In other words, it facilitates the processing of accounting information and improves the performance of the company.
• Inventory management software
The inventory management software enables a simplified and secure inventory management. It offers process control keys to improve procurement, the production line and customer requests. It streamlines the entire operating cycle through real-time monitoring and a clear and precise view of production to improve the profitability of the company.
• A financial statement editing software according to the revised SYSCOHADA
The financial statement editing software prepares the balance sheet, the income statement, the cash flow statement and the notes in accordance with the OHADA accounting system from the company’s trial balance.
Contact us to find out more about our various offers and let’s discuss your needs.